By-Laws of the Mechanics Club
Montour Falls New York, 14865
By-Laws of the Mechanics Club
Montour Falls New York, 14865
Section 1
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings. To call special meetings as in his opinion may seem necessary or upon the request of four members. He may properly advise and assist the officers in the faithful discharge of their duties.
Section 2
It shall be the duty of the Vice President in the discharge of his duties to occupy the chair whenever the President wishes to take part in debate and in the absence of the President to exercise all functions of that office.
Section 3
There shall be one Secretary and one Treasurer appointed by the Board of Trustees. It shall be their duties to keep an accurate record of all the proceedings of the club, to receive and hold all funds of the club, and keep a correct detailed account of the same, render bills to members for dues and other charges, to transact business as not otherwise provided for to present a report at each annual meeting of all money received and disbursed during the preceding year, and perform such other duties as may be required by the Board of Trustees or by the President. They may be paid a yearly salary set by the Board of Trustees.
Section 4
It shall be the duties of the Board of Trustees to look after the club property and to advise and assist in the general welfare of the club. They shall audit and verify the accounts of all officers at any they may deem advisable.
Section 5
The order of business at each meeting shall be as follows:
1. Call meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Read Minutes of last meeting
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Report of Standing and Special Committees
6. Unfinished Business
7. Elections
8. New Business
9. Reading of Minutes for Approval
10. Adjournment
Section 6
The Membership shall consist of Regular and Associate Members. Associate Members should have all the privileges of Regular members except that shall not be entitled to vote at any club meeting. Associate members may apply for Regular membership after 10 years of continuous membership. Any member, Regular or Associate may apply for Life-Member after 25 Years of Continuous membership. The Total Membership shall not exceed 750 members (100 Regular, 650 Associate).
Section 7
Applicants for membership shall be at least 21 years of age. Signed Applications bearing the endorsement of two regular members must be submitted for approval. Applications for Associate Membership shall be approved or rejected by the club officials after investigation by an appointed committee rather than the entire membership.
Section 8
The Board of Trustees may at any time, by unanimous vote, suspend or expel any member for unbecoming conduct or other sufficient reason.
Section 9
Each Associate Member shall pay an entrance fee of $50 plus one year’s dues within 30 days after being notified of acceptance into the club.
Section 10
An initiation fee of $100 shall be paid within 60 days after becoming a Regular Member.
Section 11
All dues shall be due on April 1st of each year. The annual amount shall be set during the Annual Meeting each year.
Section 12
A club member must accompany guests. The member shall be responsible for their guests’ actions.
Section 13
Non-members cannot purchase alcoholic beverages at the bar unless covered by special activities.
Section 14
No children under the age of 14 shall be permitted in the club after 8:00pm.
Section 15
The Club shall obtain any special permits necessary that would make the purchase of alcoholic beverages to non-members during special functions.
Section 16
The Club’s Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a 2/3 vote of the Regular Members present. Two week’s notice of the meeting date and time along with the proposed amendment(s) having been given to the membership.
Constitution of the Mechanics Club
Montour Falls, New York 14865
Article 1
The name of the Organization shall be the Mechanics Club of Montour Falls, New York. The object of this shall be to promote the benefit of needy and deserving persons and organizations within our community. Our Public Service endeavors will stress the importance of helping the youth of our Community to become better citizens based upon the principles that founded this country.
Article 2
The Officers of this Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall consist of three members elected as follows: one to serve (3) three years, one to serve (2) two years and one to serve (1) one year. Thereafter one shall be elected each year for a term of three years. The meeting for the election of Officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting held in March of each year. The election shall be by ballot and the candidate receiving the majority of the votes cast shall be elected. The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees and shall be its Chairman.
Article 3
Meetings other than the Annual Meeting for the election of Officers, may be called at any time by the President or at the request of four members. Such meeting shall be known as “special”. In each case, such notice shall be posted on the Club bulletin board, stating the purpose of such special meeting. Forty-Eight Hours shall intervene between the posting of such notice and the lawful convening of the special meeting.